Profitability matters to me more than prestige so availability will fluctuate based on demand. I never forgot my mode$t beginnings as a provider, I just respect MATH.
Extensive research is done on hotel prices prior to planning a tour. Prices will go as HIGH as financially necessary in order to BE IN THE BLACK and STAY in the black. Numbers MATTER in business. It’s how you keep score (and your sanity).
I’m tired of stifling my sarcasm. I’m willing to risk looking like a “weirdo” due to the RANGE in rates that might change as often as the weather when I travel.
My hometown South Carolina rates remain level at $600-90 minutes. It sounds corny, but I actually believe in the idea of rewarding customer consistency.
Note: I also love a good bargain. On my booking form is where you can spot specials (if there are any available). This week, I’ll be tinkering with rates so I’ll honor what was on the ad at the time of your inquiry. After the first week of September, expect pricing to remain level for a long while. NOW is the time to catch a good deal because I’m in experimental mode at the moment.