I’m now a touring companion the majority of the time due to obligations that have me on the road constantly. The whole point is to give last-minute-to-decide guys a chance to be notified in the rare times I CAN meet on short notice.
If you’re feeling nostalgic and want me to return HOME (South Carolina) faster or return to your city, click the “I Miss You” picture Below or CLICK HERE. If you’re in North Carolina, click the picture below also because I usually stop by and visit each time I’m back.
If there are ENOUGH reque$ts for me to return, you’ll be among the first to know, and I’ll be back sooner than you think!
If you’re looking to book either in North OR South Carolina and find the wait time unbearable, try for a weekend appointment! I travel between the north and south during the week so weekdays are possible, just less probable at this point.
I want to keep in touch but not be a pest. How can I keep in contact after our appointment?
I love interacting with worldly cultured people. I appreciate that many of my clients are actually fascinating people so I have the following policy: Small talk that is rated-G is free but X-rated chat co$t$. As far as longer conversations are concerned, if time permits (and I’m genuinely intrigued) I’ll engage as long as I’m inspired.
You’re welcome to send a text to say “Hey” , request social chat time on the phone or request a return visit to your city as well. 🙂
If it’s been a while (e.g. over a year), and you’re feeling nostalgic, CLICK HERE →Welcome Back Survey to book time with me and be prioritized in the booking process.